“Wake up” is our call to humanity.  We need to live our lives deliberately.  Too often we exist day-to-day, accepting what the world presents us, hoping that somehow a successful life will materialize. 

Shipley is on a mission to change this paradigm. 

For over 30 years we have developed and delivered innovative leadership and communication framework, language, and processes that awaken the passion in people to change the behaviors impacting their peace, happiness, and effectiveness and to drive real results.

For the last decade, we have focused on Emotional Intelligence solutions that propel leader, individual, and family development. This process for discovering Self-Awareness has significantly impacted millions of people worldwide. 

Our message is simple and clear:

Knowledge (K) + Behavior (B) = Current Results (R) 

The problem with most training is the focus on K with little or no change in R.

Why is that?  

Because most training participants are extremely busy, have continuing deadlines, and change is HARD!  Focusing on knowledge alone rarely results in real behavior change.

The Shipley Learning Intervention Process

The Shipley process alters the training equation by not only focusing on increasing K but also changing B.  

(4 Lenses & Maturity)K + (Coaching )B = Future Results (FR)

The framework used to begin this process is a Jungian-based temperament preference tool called 4 Lenses.  This innovative assessment is an “accelerator” for development, and is a highly-effective companion to any personal and leadership development program. We couple this tool with a discussion about EQ maturity to help participants create a foundational understanding from which to accelerate the learning process.  

With a sound understanding of the 4 Lenses framework, how do we change B?

Through a 90-day, results focused Coaching program.

The Shipley 90-day Coaching Program is built to integrate the knowledge gained and goals set during training into the behavior of the attendees.  Utilizing proven coaching tools, our professional and credentialed coaching cadre work one-on-one with attendees to:

  • Facilitate measurable behavior change
  • Focus to improving performance
  • Align newly learned skills to organizational and personal needs

Shipley Learning Intervention (LI) Programs include:

These LI programs include 1-2 days of highly informative training followed by our 90-day coaching process.  Unlike training alone, the combination of training and coaching maximizes ROI, facilitates measurable change, aligns newly learned skills to organizational and personal needs, and drives results. 

Join us on this mission and start your journey today!